[Utility] [MAX2]
Surround Viewer
Copyright (c) 1998 by EffectWare.
This program is a utility which creates model turning animation for
special object browser. It useful to make the personal object library.
1. Utilities Command Panel
2. More...
3. Surround Viewer
1) Surround Viewer : generator
Start : Set the start frame of turning animation.
Count : Sets the number of rotating step. The total frames are equal
to square of count value. ex) 18 x 18 = 324
Pick Object : Select the turning object.
The selected object was
lost the original transform. To maintain the original transform, link your
object with the dummy and pick the dummy.
If you want to make proper
dummy for your object, Bounding
Box Maker will be very useful to you.
You can select the camera.
If you interested that case, please refer SURROUND2.MAX.
Create Key : Make the turning animation.
2) Surround Viewer : browser
File/Open... : Open the video files(*.avi).
Left, Right, Up, Down : Change the viewpoint to selected direction.
1. Create your object.
2. Set the parameters.
3. Create a dummy and link with your object.
4. Pick the dummy.
5. Create the key.
6. Render the animation to 320 x 240(recommend) AVI(must).
7. Execute SURROUND.EXE..
8. View your object from all direction.
Refer to the description.
Surround Viewer 1.0 for MAX 2.0 (964KB)
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