[Utility] [MAX2][MAX3]
Follow The Path
Copyright (c) 1998 by EffectWare.
  • Description
  • Example
  • Download
  • Description
    This program is the footstep generator which allows you to assign a spline as a path for the footstep so that the BIPED follows the path.

    1. Utilities Command Panel
    2. More...
    3. Follow The Path


  •  Pick Path: Click and then select the spline in the scene that you want the footsteps to follow.
  •  Segments: Set these to specify the number of divisions along the path. (half of number of footsteps)
  •  Reverse: When this checkbox is on, the direction of the spline is reversed.
  •  Follow: Turn on to align the footsteps to the path as it follows the contour.
  •  Axis Flip: Only available when Follow is Selected. The Flip check box lets you flip the direction of the footsteps on the path 180 degrees.
  •  Constant Velocity: Turn on to provide a constant velocity along the path. When this is turned off, the velocity of the footsteps along the path varies depending on the distance between the vertices on the path.
  •  Walk: Sets the biped gait to walk.
  •  Run: Sets the biped gait to run.
  •  Jump: Sets the biped gait to jump.
  •  Stride Width: Sets the stride width in modeling units.
  •  Walk Footstep (Walk only): Specifies the number of frames a new footstep will be on the ground during a walk.
  •  Double Support (Walk only): Specifies the number of frames when both feet will be on the ground at the same time during a walk.
  •  Run Footstep (Run only): Specifies the number of frames a new footstep will be on the ground during a run.
  •  Airborne (Run and jump only): Specifies the number of frames when the body will be in the air during a run or a jump.
  •  2 Feet Down (Jump only): Specifies the number of frames when two sequential footsteps, on opposite sides, will be on the ground during a jump.
  •  Left, Rigth: Select the left or right side for first footstep.
  • Save Footstep: Make the BIPED footstep file using previous options.
  • Example
    Refer to the sample scene file.

  • Follow The Path 1.0 for MAX 2.0 (392KB)
  • Follow The Path 1.0 for MAX 3.0 (22KB)

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